Steve Farnworth   -  

Building a mobile game starter kit

Most geeks want to make a game.

I've been playing more and more with the Godot game engine recently, and one of things I've found is that there's a decent amount of boilerplate in getting a game set up.

So I set to work to build a basic mobile game framework that can be used and reused for different mobile gaming needs.

What should a game boilerplate have?

Most mobile games follow a similar format.

You have a splash screen, a main menu (and some privacy or login related code just before), a main game view, a pause menu, a shop and an advert viewer.

They're all the boring little bits you need to code to take your cool idea into a deployable title.

Why does it speed you up?

Less coding, obviously.

And you can also create some nice reusable hooks.

The framework I've created has hooks to trigger win and lose states as well, so you can automatically enable that behaviour with one line of code.

It also cuts down the cognitive load of what you might need to think of next.

Side projects always suffer when having to do the boring stuff to take a cool idea to even a base level MVP.

So you're making a game then?


Though I'm not putting a timeline on it, am aiming to get something into the Play Store in the near future.

Get some experience, get an example app built with the framework live, and hopefully get some downloads.